Tuesday, September 30, 2008

It's A Love Story, Baby, Just Say Yes

YAY for new singles!!
it seems like they all come out right after each other, all within a few days or weeks, so you get to have a whole bunch of favorite new songs all at once...and you get sick of hearing them all at the same time too! xD
however this is even sweeter because all of my favorite new singles are the first off of new albums. =D
so, favorite songs?
she wouldn't be gone - blake shelton.
yayyy! for new blake album. i totally love him, especially his new stuff. it's amazing. he's finally found his nieche and he's amazing. his music is amazing and you call tell he's really feeling what he's singing, which just makes his voice amazing. and yes, i just said amazing four times. that's how awesome he is. i'm not sure when his new album comes out but i'm really excited.
feel that fire - dierks bentley
ahh, dierks. soon - to - be a daddy dierks. i can't wait to see his kid, it's sure to be adorable. i wonder if we will see a change in his music once the baby is born. that tends to happen. anyway, feel that fire is his first single off of his new cd, which comes out in febuary. i can't wait. this is a really amazing song, one of his best i think. his new music [feel that fire and sweet & wild] have just been amzing. his voice is so strong and great, and i think his songs, the writing and everything, have just been great. i can't wait to hear his new album.
love story - taylor swift.
so taylor isn't my favorite artist ever, and at time her teeny bopper fans get on my nerves, but i have to admit i do like her a lot. her songs are so easy to relate too, or in the case of this song, just what i think most girls dream about happening, so it's still easy to relate too. i think that her new cd is going to show a lot of maturity in her, and hopefully be even better than her last. i've heard the song 'fearless' before, which is her title-track and it's got to be one of my favorite ts songs ever, with love story following close behind. fearless comes out in novemeber. can't wait.
limbs and branches - jon foreman
not a song, but a cd coming out in october. can't wait. jon foreman is freaking amazing, and i know his cd will be awesome. i don't see how hating anything jon foreman/switchfoot related is humanly possible. it's just too amazing.
in other news. i watched the season premire of chuck today. really good. i have to admit i really like that show. i think it's sweet that kasey can't kill chuck, and honestly chuck was just freaking awesome in this episode! i loved seeing him save the day at the end. though i thinnk the story line is going to get a little old really fast. in just the first episode it seemed a little tedious, saving the intersect, loosing the intersect, saving it, loosing it, etc. we all know they won't ever kill chuck, but i do hope they make him an agent. we'll see what happens.

Monday, September 29, 2008

The Cullen Llama Song


i did geomtry today. it's better than algebra, but i still hate it. and the further i'm getting into it the more my grade is starting to look just as bad as my alg grade.


i rode brandy today. she was really great about being saddle and tacked up. i was proud of her. she was pretty good under saddle too. she was pretty lazy and a little barn sour, but still good. i worked on getting her to slow down her trot so it's not so bumpy. i want to be able to work on loping, but i don't feel like i'm confident enough at a trot. i might try some lunge line work tomorrow or wenesday and see if that helps. i really want to move forward and become a better a rider. a more confident rider.

i watched heroes tonight. it was good, though really short. i kind of like sylar turning into a good guy, if he can stay that way. wish i don't really see happening, not for the whole season. so we'll see. i'm not surprised claire's acting like she is, but this has left me with a huge question. WHERE IS WEST? he was such a big part of last season, but ever since noah got shot, he's fallen off of the side of the earth. no mention of him, no nothing. very annoying.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Desperate I've Become

to be perfectly honest, things have been 'right' since my brother got home. i mean, things aren't that bad, but suddenly i'm being ignored worse than ever a lot of the time, and eric is perfect and can't do anything wrong. so typical. most people think the youngest child gets all the attention. but that's not true, not in our family, eric gets it. eric's always been the perfect child.
how nice.
i just. urgh.
and worse we gave away oscar and snowball. i want my puppies back. i don't want to keep a new puppy, i want my old puppies back. i loved them, they were perfect. and how cruel is it to give away pups after we've had them for seven months? why couldn't these people just wait a few extra weeks and have one of the new puppies?
loosing brandy and my puppies this soon is not going to be easy.
i really want today to end.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Leave Out All The Rest

Sorry, I have been horrible about updating. I've either been too busy or too bored. I updated the blog look some, trying a new wider template. I may switch back to my old one though, I can't say I'm too happy with it yet. We'll see what happens.
So...I stopped working on Bright Eyes. For the moment, at least. I plan to pick it up, but I just needed a break from it. So instead I went back to working on a book I've been working on since January. Escape. And it's going well. =]
Anyhow. Today. It was fun. We meet Pam, Rendi and Jacob at the shell station and we all went to a playday. We saw Baylee and Becky there too. I brought Brandy and we did poles and the flag race. It was pretty awesome. I had a lot of fun and spent like five and a half hours on her. Needless to say my legs are killing me. And her trot was SO jerky. Ouch. I'm gonna ride her a few times this week and work on getting her to slow down and even out her trot a little. I'm taking her next Saturday too. I'll probably do all three events. Four if they do a novelty race.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

When You Feel Like Your Done, And The Darkness Has Won

Super dorkkk. <333

Well let's see...this morning it was raining, lightly, but we feed, and changed and headed to town. We stopped at Wal-Mart briefly. And then onto OKC. It was pouring there, but it was supposed to stop, so we headed to the State Fair anyway. The theme this year was State Fair Live! But I don't see what the 'Live!' attraction was. The only 'big name' person performing there was Miranda Lambert. The others, Graham Colton, Hanson, James Otto...eh. They are all new [or old!] and well, just eh. No one I'm jumping out of my seat to go see. And the other big attraction "high school musical ice tour?" Three words. Oh my gosh. *Bangs head on desk* But anyway. So in the rain we pay to get in, and run for the auto show building; the one closest from the entrance. After that it mostly stopped raining so we walked through the buildings, and ate and such. My candle won a fifth place ribbon, but that's the only thing I saw that placed. Oh well, that's better then the last two years. XD Next year I might actually do some 4H projects. lol. For fair food we had corn dogs and rootbeer snow cones. Corn dogs -greasy. Rootbeer snowcones - amazing. I wanted a fried snickers, but it didn't seem like the best idea for braces. I also saw Fried Garlic Mashed Potatoes On A Stick and well...just no. XD
We also got to meet on the Blazers, Tyler Fleck. Which was cool. Other than that...not much else to say. I am pondering the meaning of 'fair' however.
In my eyes, a fair is a country thing. It's where you show your animals, have your 4H open projects, and have some vendors, perferably a lot of horse/animal product vendors.
The Oklahoma State fair? Not so much. They have a horse and animals shows...but that's about it, in the country department. I find that rather depressing and think I'd rather stick to the AQHA world show....and that one is free anyway.

After that we went out to Arby's for dinner, but we were all pretty full/sick on fairfood, so we took most of it home.

And it was POURING when we came home. And it's still POURING. So much fun for feeding! lol.

So I've spent the evening watching Step Up 2 [LOVE] and Spiderman 3. <333

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I Threw It All Away, With Everything To Gain.


Another SO exciting day. =p

I didn't do much of anything...cleaned up the house a little. It was raining again. A depressing rain, not a fun rain. And because of the rain it was playing with my sinuses and making my face hurt. =/ So lot's of tyenol. How fun.

I haven't done anything in Bright Eyes... I'm working on a different story for the moment. One I've been playing around with for a quite a while and really want to at least get a start on. It doesn't have a name yet, but I've been thinking about it a lot, trying to figure something else.

I finished Breaking Dawn again, and started Twilight for the third time. =p It should be cool reading it again though, now that I know Edward's POV. Ahh, Midnight Sun. <3 I want it publishedddd.


Tuesday, September 9, 2008

These little wonders, these twists and turns of fate.

Defintely a more exciting title then my day.


I did pretty much nothing today.

Sheik was adorable tonight. He actually came over to me and wanted attention. Aww. <333 I also gave him some apples which he LOVED, and scratched his neck for a while which he also loved. I'm so excited about his training. I've already decided to take him to some NEOSHA shows next fall, for his first real riding classes. They have the best varity of classes, like a green class and WP w/t. So it's defintely a good place to start him out at. =D

So that's really about it. lol.

Monday, September 8, 2008

I'll be around if I'm everrrrr neeeded.



Not to much to say, I guess.

I spent most of they doing nothing. lol.

Then at four I went to the courthouse [told Travis that "I didn't know I'd won champion DIARY goat." the look on his face was completely priceless. XD And he told me to bring them in and they'd have them fixed for me.] for our 4H health rocks training. It was pretty cool...there were six of us, but there's gonna be eight all together, four teams. Me and Rendi are on a team. And we did some cool actvitys, all of which relate to not doing drugs or how they effect your life, that sorta thing. And we got pizza. XD Our first thing is in October, at Rendi's school, to the fifth and sixth graders. So that should be intersting...

I worked on Bright Eyes this morning, got about half a chapter done. I'm going to keep working on it, but I've also started another book at the moment, which is still nameless.


Sunday, September 7, 2008

Summer turned to winter, and the snow it turned to rain, and the rain it turned to tears upon your face.

Back from fair!


What a week.

Or rather, what a three days! XD

Sososososo much to say. lol. I don't know where to start, though I guess Thursday would be the best place to start. XD

So. Thursday. I get up, get dressed, feed animals, take a shower, get dressed again, put a whole bunch of show crap in the truck and put all my horse show stuff into the living room so I can get it later, help catch the goats, load them in the trailer and take them over to the fairgrounds. Get our pens that we get every year, the ones right by the door with a nice breeze and get the stalls ready, put the goats in, say hello to a few people, check in our photos and stuff, and go home, Dad's here, we eat somthing real quick, catch Brandy and trailer her over to the fairgrounds. I washed her while I was there, since it had been raining the day before and it was just the easiest thing to do. After that I walked her around in the sunshine until she was completely dry, brushed her out, sprayed show sheen all over her, used my little nose shaver thingy and got all her whiskers off, and tied her to the trailer and gave her some hay. I watched her for a while, then my mom did for a while while I went with my friend. We went to find this paper we needed and got sent all over the place till we found it, then we got kidnapped by Meghan [along with Brady] and dragged to the HCE building to have our picture taken [me, Rendi, Brady and two other girls that are teen leaders but I don't know their names. lol] with this Oklahoma 4H cenntinal cake. And that took forever cause we had to wait for Brady to go get us some new batteries for the camera. But finally we got the pictures, and Rendi and I ran back to the barns, signed in for the horse show, changed into our show clothes and got the horses. I showed Brandy in showmanship and she was awesome. Did everything like she knew the course. She even pivoted! The judge told me when I was done that I'd had a clean round and we got first. =D
Rendi got second. =D Then my mom showed Brandy in WP, and they didn't do so well cause Brandy wouldn't lope in that arena [it's just to small] and then they did trail later on and won that. Brandy was AMAZING. She did the gate on the first try, and then went right over the bridge, did the course perfectly and even sidepassed! She was amazing!! After that we took her home and end of Thursdayyy.

So on to Friday we go. XD
Get up, get dressed, get more stuff to take over, go over, feed goats, bring them over to petting zoo, talk Brady into getting us a table and bring it over, set stuff up, and then I helped out while the kids came through. We had....five school groups or so, but most of them brought like three classes of little kids. XD So we did have a lot of kids. I had to leave halfway through to go do livestock judging. I was on the same time with Rendi, Brady and Baylee. And there were only four classes so we got it done in no time. lol. Then the rest of us, Rendi, Baylee, Brady, Tanner, Chase, Jacob and Becky all hung out i n the stands for a while. After that we helped at the petting zoo some more, watched the tractor competion, and did this go - kart thing, and mostly just hung out with everyone. Oh and I watched everyone do the rock wall. XD
Then I had to get my goats and show, which I did. I got two firsts, Grand champion and reserve. So I have two trophies [both of which say "Champion DIARY goat." how nice] and then I showed Wish in open classes and got a third place. After that I had like, three hours to kill until showmanship [very last class] so my parents went home to feed and such, and I went out to dinner at Pizza Hut with Abby and her mom, and then we came back and I sat in the cowbarn with Brady, Tanner and Brady's little brother. The four of us were sitting on buckets and just talking and making fun of each other. Probably one of my favorite parts of the day. XD
Finally Brady left and my mom came back, so we got dream out and I changed back into my good show clothes, and I got ready for showmanship. Everyone was pretty surprised that i was showing a dairy goat in meat showmanship. XD But that's where they put me sooo. XD It was a still a goat though! And I didn't win, but I was VERY close. I didn't move for the judge, just one time, when I was walking. And that cost me it, he told me. Bummer, But now I know what NOT to do next time, so that's good. And then the judge asked me if I wanted to sell Dream. XD I was lke...no. XD So after that we milked Dream, put her away and went home. End of Friday.

Saturday -
Same as the other mornings. XD Get dressed, feed, go over to fairgrounds, feed goats. I helped Anderya with her calf, and watched Brady show his heifers and do showmanship, which he won. It was kind of hilarous because the judge was like "He told me more then I ever wanted to know about the bull the heifer was bred too." And that's SO Brady. XD Then Rendi got there, but everyone else we knew went out to lunch, lol, so we just sat around for a while, and talked to Vicki and Anderya, Hannah and My mom. After that we spent a while hanging out with Brady and Tanner and Brady's little brother, and just kind sat around and talked and whatever. Then they released the animals and I helped my parents clean up and get the goats in the trailer, and they went home but I stayed. I worked for three hours after that, marking x's on people's hands for THREE HOURS, with purple sharpie to show that they had payed to get into the bull riding. That was fun, I guess. lol. I saw and talked to a lot of people I knew, and got to see a lot of what was going on, which was cool. But it was just so long. lol. This one guy was like "Is this an x? It's really crappy looking." And I was like "You stand here doing this for three hours and see how crappy your x's look." XD And then someone told him to be nice cause I was the bouncer and could make him pay again if I wanted. hahhahaha. But I did get a free ticket into the bull riding and I watched half of it in the annoucers box with Rendi and the other half with Abby. There was a really bad acccident, but I just don't feel like talking about it again...I just hope that he was okay. After that Abby brought me home. It was like...11. lol. and I went straight to bed. TIRED.

So onto today. I slept until ten...and I needed more sleep. XD I've been tired ALL day. It's gonna take me forever to sleep the last three days off. lol. But we went to the base, which was fun, and I got a bunch of random crap and chocolate. XD Funn. And we went out for lunch. We also got this awesome paint horse decal thing which we put on the tailgate of my truck. It's totally awesome looking, I love it.

Andddd I found out with my B-day/C-mas present is. In December Sheik is going to Pam's for his thirty days under saddle training!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!! Finally! =D I'm really excited. It needs to be December now. XD I'll get to go over and help out with him a lot and I'll be riding my poneh by tthe new year! =DDD How awesome is that!!! XD

And for Bright Eyes. I started Part Two of the book a few days ago, but have been too busy to do anything on it. Today I did post Part One, all nineteen chapters on my book blog.


Friday, September 5, 2008

So tireeddd.

This isn't nearly all of what happened today, but well I'm tired. lol. I'm falling asleep right here. So here ya go, *posted from another site...*

Well first of all I'm so freaking tired. Hot, tired sore and freaking sunburned. Like, I look like a boiled lobster. XD My shoulders, my neck, and face. Fun. XDI got there at like...8:30, no one I knew was there, so I fed the goats and we did the petting zoo and then Andreya and Hannah got there and helped for an hour or two and then I had to leave, to go do judging. I got to be with Butner, where all my friends are. =D I got to be on the FFA team. lol. And we sucked. Baylee, who was on a diff team, got second overall and Tanner got first overall. So then Brady, Baylee, Rendi and Chase and Tanner and who knows all sat around adn goofed off. Fun. XD And then Rendi and I went back to the petting zoo to help and we did that for...about two hours, and finally everyone stopped coming, so we sat down and talked to Abby for a while, then went over to watch the tractor driving. Brady was really good at it, but he's the only of us that was did it. XD He got second though. =[ We were all surprised, we thought he won. But that's how I got sunburned. And then they had this like, DUI thing, where you put on these googles and do this pattern on a go-kart, and I mostly just watched, because I didn't want to do it, cause I know I'd suck, but they ALL forced me, even the people running it, to do it. and I knocked over every single cone. XD And I was like "I told you so." XD but I stood in teh sun watching my friends do it for like, two hours. XD Then I got bored...and my Dad brought me lunch, and I kinda just walked around adn talked to whoever. lol. And then they had a rockwall so I watched all of my friends do that, cause there was NO way I was doing it. No way. XD I also got to help move some stuff around and stuff like that. Then I had to go show, so I changed and got my goats out, and Anderya, Baylee and Rendi and Chase I think we were all arguing about who got to show my goat if I need help. XD And then everyone left me, except for BRady and Anderya, and then BRady left me, so Anderya got to help. lol. And Brady's little brother asked "Is that a goat?" And Brady's like "Why do people ask that? I mean, it looks like a goat! What do they think it is?" XD I got grand champion and reserve champon, and they are these hugee trophies. Then I really wanted to do showmanship, which was THE last class of the day, so my mom and dad went home, left me with Abby, we went out to pizza hut for dinner, she came back and was leavign, so she 'left me' with her Mom, and she kinda left me, so I went over and sat down with Brady and Tanner and Brady's little brother in the cow barn. We were all sitting on buckets and making fun of each other. That was probably like, one of the most fun parts of the day. XD Then Brady left and my mom showed up to come help me and take me home when the class was over. I guess she had found Abby's mom first, adn she's like "..where's Katie?" and she's like "Oh, she's over talking to all the cow showers." hahaha and my mom's like "Greatttt." XD Then I showed in showmanship, talked to this one guy, cause like, I was showing a dairy goat in it, and everyone else had meat goats. So we were talking about that a lilttle, then showed...and like, I lost because I didn't move for the judge at one little spot. The judge was like "you did a GREAT JOB, but you forgot to move there." Bummer. XD He also aksed me if I wanted to sell my goat. XD That was kind of funny. Annnnd then we came home. lol.Oh, and I did win my showmanship class. I left right after trail, cause my parents do not like to stay for anything, and I had no one to stay with and bring me home, cause everyone else had horses or where already gone, and they did a champion class, and they called me up! lol, and Daryel, my friend's dad went up and was like "but Katie didn't win." And I guess what happened is they mixed up me and the other girl, cause her name is Kasey. So she actually got last. So I won...I just don't have a ribbon to show for it.


Thursday, September 4, 2008


Burn Out Bright from Oh! Gravity. And that's Tim. <3

So...today. First of all I am tired and sore and this is the first time I've sat down all day.

We took the goats over, and got them stalled, and then entered our photos and other projects, and stuck around for a while, talking to people. Then I came back later with Brandy, washed her while I was there, and the show, which right now, I jsut don't really want to talk about it. It wasn't bad, I just, feel discouraged. Amazingly enough I'm about to do exactly what I did last year after the horse show at the fair and that's take a hot shower, curl up in bed and probably cry. It's stupid, I know, but it's just hard, NEVER winning. Ughh. Even when I do an amaing job, I still don't win. Figure that one out. =// Even my mom won with her, first show in like, 30 years. I've showed six times this year and nothing. I'm glad for my mom, really, but it doesn't make it any easier. -sigh-

Other then that...not much to say really, unless I want to get into every little detail, which I might do later, but not tonight. Tomorrow will be better. Hopefully. =]

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Fair Tomorrow! =D

Another Productive day.

I worked on my project board the majority of the day. Fun fun. I hate doing them. XDD I finished the middle of it, which is basically "Why grooming" and it lists why people groom their horses, and has a picture of a grooming kit. Then I had to cut out all the letters for the title and paste them on. It came out cute, I guess. I'll try to get some pics soon.

Then I matted all my photography pictures onto their cardboard mattings. 8 pictures. All quite nice. I should get a couple first ribbons, as usual.

Also, I think I've decided not to show Sheik tomorrow...if it's gorgeous out tomorrow, I might, but if it's raining, no, I'm just not going to do it. It'll be a lot easier to just take Brandy. I especially don't feel like spending an hour and a half out in the rain trying to get him to load, besides the fact that there will be no earthly way to get him clean. So we'll just see what happens tomorrow. -shrugs- If I don't show him tomorrow, I'm gonna show him next month at NEOSHA. Better show anyway.

Bright Eyes is coming along decently. I'm working on Chapter 15. Five more chapters till I can finally start part two. Yes, I'm dying to start part two. lol. I can only stay focused on something for so long, and I cannot wait to be able to move on a little, and start the next part of the book.
I also have an idea of more of an action based story that I plan on starting as soon as I'm finished with Bright Eyes. =]

Other then that....Wish me luck tomorrow at the fair!!!!!! =D

Today's siggy. Gooooo Oh! Gravity!!! =D


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Today Is Ours Condemned To Be Free

Quite the productive day, I think.

I stayed up till...1:30 or so last night, feel asleep in the middle of reading Breaking Dawn. I like it a little more this time... Reading Midnight Sun was really good I think, because I feel like I know more of who Edward is, and can imagine how he is feeling more. And heh, I love Jacob. <3

So hence the staying up so late/falling asleep reading, I didn't get up until 11 today. lol. Whoops. But it's all good. I got up, went outside, caught Sheik, brought him up, feed him, and clipped him. He was decent. I did his feet, ears, bridle path, chin and nose. Quite the handsome boy.

And I got to finish the painting. I wish I'd taken a picture, but I didn't think too. Anyway, I had ALL the lettering today. I started out tracing up honestly that was more work then it was worth so I did it all freehand. =D They turned out pretty nice I think. Then I got to paint them all in. I was home alone when I did it, standing outside, using the tailgate of the truck so I could stand up and not sit in the grass with bugs. XD I took my Mp3 player out and sang really loudly to Switchoot while I did it! XD It was fun. Oh the joys of living out in the middle of no where, where NO one can hear you. =D And it was sunny with a nice breeze. I got sunburned though. Eh.

After that I came in, cleaned up all the brushes and all that fun stuff and took a shower to get rid of all the paint and so I could wash my hair. And then my mom dropped me off for the teenleaders meeting. There were seven of us. Four girls I don't know, and then me, Rendi and Brady. The three of us were paired up for this project about what we thought a teenleader looked like. O.o Okay then. So they complained they couldn't draw. So I drew a stick person. They laughed at me. Then we drew a barn, and a horse, and some kids. Stick kids. So then we got up, and had to introduce ourselves, and then talk about our posterish thing. Which Brady clammed up and said nothing. hahaha. I was like "ANIMALS AND KIDS." hahahaha. I have no idea.

Then we started cutting out clovers, or at least, Rendi and I did while Brady stood around with his ipod and annoyed us. Oh yes, that's Brady for you. =D But I have to say, even if he is annoying he is freaking hilarous. So we didn't really mind to much.

We put lot's of glitter on our clovers, and then Rendi had to leave. So then it started POURING and the roof started leaking so Brady and I moved some buckets and stuff around to catch the water. Then he left, and I helped hang some banners and then I left. My Dad picked me up and we went out to Sonic for ice cream.

Fun day. =D

Today's siggy. Wooo!

From The Beautiful Letdown.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Wake Me Up When September Ends

Woo!! Goodbye and Hellooooo September. Ahh fall. You've finally arrived. <33

Having said that...I think today was the hottest it's been all year. Ugh. It was SO humid [probably because of the 6 - 24 inches of rain we are supposed to get this week!]
This morning I brought up both horses, and were planning on taking both of them to the fairgrounds, but I decided it was just easier to take Brandy. So I loaded Sheik up, fed him his breakfast, unloaded him and turned him back out. Good pratice for loading.
Then I loaded up Brandy, who I freakin' LOVE, and she walked right into the trailer like she'd done it every single day of her 15 - Ohh she's almost 16! - years. -Dies- Ahh, it was awesome.
So then we got to the fairgrounds, unloaded her walked her around, tacked her up and did some riding. She went right over the bridge like it was nothing [several times] and we did the gate about 10 times and she did it about four times. x] She was awesome. I'm so proud of her, she was just amazing. She also did some sidepasses! Awesome. =D

After that we came home and chilled cause it was HOT.

I'm working on Bright Eyes now. Chapter...fourteen, I think. XD At Chapter twenty I intended to have part one wrapped up and moved on to four years later for part two. =D

Today's siggy -
Lyrics from This Is Home, from the Narina soundtrack. =D When they sang this song at the concert in Wyoming Jon was talking about it, and he said that his Dad used to read him and Tim the Narina books as bedtime stories, so when he wrote This Is Home he wanted it to be like a lullaby. Ahh, you gotta love Jon. <333