Back from fair!
What a week.
Or rather, what a three days! XD
Sososososo much to say. lol. I don't know where to start, though I guess Thursday would be the best place to start. XD
So. Thursday. I get up, get dressed, feed animals, take a shower, get dressed again, put a whole bunch of show crap in the truck and put all my horse show stuff into the living room so I can get it later, help catch the goats, load them in the trailer and take them over to the fairgrounds. Get our pens that we get every year, the ones right by the door with a nice breeze and get the stalls ready, put the goats in, say hello to a few people, check in our photos and stuff, and go home, Dad's here, we eat somthing real quick, catch Brandy and trailer her over to the fairgrounds. I washed her while I was there, since it had been raining the day before and it was just the easiest thing to do. After that I walked her around in the sunshine until she was completely dry, brushed her out, sprayed show sheen all over her, used my little nose shaver thingy and got all her whiskers off, and tied her to the trailer and gave her some hay. I watched her for a while, then my mom did for a while while I went with my friend. We went to find this paper we needed and got sent all over the place till we found it, then we got kidnapped by Meghan [along with Brady] and dragged to the HCE building to have our picture taken [me, Rendi, Brady and two other girls that are teen leaders but I don't know their names. lol] with this Oklahoma 4H cenntinal cake. And that took forever cause we had to wait for Brady to go get us some new batteries for the camera. But finally we got the pictures, and Rendi and I ran back to the barns, signed in for the horse show, changed into our show clothes and got the horses. I showed Brandy in showmanship and she was awesome. Did everything like she knew the course. She even pivoted! The judge told me when I was done that I'd had a clean round and we got first. =D
Rendi got second. =D Then my mom showed Brandy in WP, and they didn't do so well cause Brandy wouldn't lope in that arena [it's just to small] and then they did trail later on and won that. Brandy was AMAZING. She did the gate on the first try, and then went right over the bridge, did the course perfectly and even sidepassed! She was amazing!! After that we took her home and end of Thursdayyy.
So on to Friday we go. XD
Get up, get dressed, get more stuff to take over, go over, feed goats, bring them over to petting zoo, talk Brady into getting us a table and bring it over, set stuff up, and then I helped out while the kids came through. We had....five school groups or so, but most of them brought like three classes of little kids. XD So we did have a lot of kids. I had to leave halfway through to go do livestock judging. I was on the same time with Rendi, Brady and Baylee. And there were only four classes so we got it done in no time. lol. Then the rest of us, Rendi, Baylee, Brady, Tanner, Chase, Jacob and Becky all hung out i n the stands for a while. After that we helped at the petting zoo some more, watched the tractor competion, and did this go - kart thing, and mostly just hung out with everyone. Oh and I watched everyone do the rock wall. XD
Then I had to get my goats and show, which I did. I got two firsts, Grand champion and reserve. So I have two trophies [both of which say "Champion DIARY goat." how nice] and then I showed Wish in open classes and got a third place. After that I had like, three hours to kill until showmanship [very last class] so my parents went home to feed and such, and I went out to dinner at Pizza Hut with Abby and her mom, and then we came back and I sat in the cowbarn with Brady, Tanner and Brady's little brother. The four of us were sitting on buckets and just talking and making fun of each other. Probably one of my favorite parts of the day. XD
Finally Brady left and my mom came back, so we got dream out and I changed back into my good show clothes, and I got ready for showmanship. Everyone was pretty surprised that i was showing a dairy goat in meat showmanship. XD But that's where they put me sooo. XD It was a still a goat though! And I didn't win, but I was VERY close. I didn't move for the judge, just one time, when I was walking. And that cost me it, he told me. Bummer, But now I know what NOT to do next time, so that's good. And then the judge asked me if I wanted to sell Dream. XD I was XD So after that we milked Dream, put her away and went home. End of Friday.
Saturday -
Same as the other mornings. XD Get dressed, feed, go over to fairgrounds, feed goats. I helped Anderya with her calf, and watched Brady show his heifers and do showmanship, which he won. It was kind of hilarous because the judge was like "He told me more then I ever wanted to know about the bull the heifer was bred too." And that's SO Brady. XD Then Rendi got there, but everyone else we knew went out to lunch, lol, so we just sat around for a while, and talked to Vicki and Anderya, Hannah and My mom. After that we spent a while hanging out with Brady and Tanner and Brady's little brother, and just kind sat around and talked and whatever. Then they released the animals and I helped my parents clean up and get the goats in the trailer, and they went home but I stayed. I worked for three hours after that, marking x's on people's hands for THREE HOURS, with purple sharpie to show that they had payed to get into the bull riding. That was fun, I guess. lol. I saw and talked to a lot of people I knew, and got to see a lot of what was going on, which was cool. But it was just so long. lol. This one guy was like "Is this an x? It's really crappy looking." And I was like "You stand here doing this for three hours and see how crappy your x's look." XD And then someone told him to be nice cause I was the bouncer and could make him pay again if I wanted. hahhahaha. But I did get a free ticket into the bull riding and I watched half of it in the annoucers box with Rendi and the other half with Abby. There was a really bad acccident, but I just don't feel like talking about it again...I just hope that he was okay. After that Abby brought me home. It was like...11. lol. and I went straight to bed. TIRED.
So onto today. I slept until ten...and I needed more sleep. XD I've been tired ALL day. It's gonna take me forever to sleep the last three days off. lol. But we went to the base, which was fun, and I got a bunch of random crap and chocolate. XD Funn. And we went out for lunch. We also got this awesome paint horse decal thing which we put on the tailgate of my truck. It's totally awesome looking, I love it.
Andddd I found out with my B-day/C-mas present is. In December Sheik is going to Pam's for his thirty days under saddle training!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!! Finally! =D I'm really excited. It needs to be December now. XD I'll get to go over and help out with him a lot and I'll be riding my poneh by tthe new year! =DDD How awesome is that!!! XD
And for
Bright Eyes. I started Part Two of the book a few days ago, but have been too busy to do anything on it. Today I did post Part One, all nineteen chapters on my book blog.