Monday, September 8, 2008

I'll be around if I'm everrrrr neeeded.



Not to much to say, I guess.

I spent most of they doing nothing. lol.

Then at four I went to the courthouse [told Travis that "I didn't know I'd won champion DIARY goat." the look on his face was completely priceless. XD And he told me to bring them in and they'd have them fixed for me.] for our 4H health rocks training. It was pretty cool...there were six of us, but there's gonna be eight all together, four teams. Me and Rendi are on a team. And we did some cool actvitys, all of which relate to not doing drugs or how they effect your life, that sorta thing. And we got pizza. XD Our first thing is in October, at Rendi's school, to the fifth and sixth graders. So that should be intersting...

I worked on Bright Eyes this morning, got about half a chapter done. I'm going to keep working on it, but I've also started another book at the moment, which is still nameless.


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