Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Fair Tomorrow! =D

Another Productive day.

I worked on my project board the majority of the day. Fun fun. I hate doing them. XDD I finished the middle of it, which is basically "Why grooming" and it lists why people groom their horses, and has a picture of a grooming kit. Then I had to cut out all the letters for the title and paste them on. It came out cute, I guess. I'll try to get some pics soon.

Then I matted all my photography pictures onto their cardboard mattings. 8 pictures. All quite nice. I should get a couple first ribbons, as usual.

Also, I think I've decided not to show Sheik tomorrow...if it's gorgeous out tomorrow, I might, but if it's raining, no, I'm just not going to do it. It'll be a lot easier to just take Brandy. I especially don't feel like spending an hour and a half out in the rain trying to get him to load, besides the fact that there will be no earthly way to get him clean. So we'll just see what happens tomorrow. -shrugs- If I don't show him tomorrow, I'm gonna show him next month at NEOSHA. Better show anyway.

Bright Eyes is coming along decently. I'm working on Chapter 15. Five more chapters till I can finally start part two. Yes, I'm dying to start part two. lol. I can only stay focused on something for so long, and I cannot wait to be able to move on a little, and start the next part of the book.
I also have an idea of more of an action based story that I plan on starting as soon as I'm finished with Bright Eyes. =]

Other then that....Wish me luck tomorrow at the fair!!!!!! =D

Today's siggy. Gooooo Oh! Gravity!!! =D


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