sorry, i haven't posted at all this week. there really hasn't been much to say. but quick recap.
someone came to look at tango on friday. he liked him, but said he didn't have the money or time and would have to pass on him. someone is coming to look at him tomorrow. i'll kind of hate to see him go, but i know it means a new horse that will be better suited with us, and that sheik will fur shure get his training. so it'll all work out for the best. of course.
uh, and i'm not sure if i talked about sheik's nose or not, but it's almost completely healed up. it looks really good. it's not even scaring. =D however the cut on his forehead [it's like four inches long -.- is healed but seems to be leaving a scar. it's a huge scar too. hopefully the hair will grow back, very, very soon. or at least, before spring.
i started learning to the play the guitar again. not sure if i mentioned that or not. i try to spend around an hour a day working on it. i can play seven chords, and have two more chords to learn before i can learn to play a song, going by the book. i need to learn how to play the chords faster, a progression. i've sped up a lot in the last week, but A, D and E are really hard to play fast because i have to completely rearrange all of my fingers for each chord. i'm getting there though. and i finallyfinally got in tune today. i got one of those 'automatic tuner' thingies, which suck, actually. but i actually sat down and spent the time. i only had two strings out of tune, and it did take me quite a while, but i got them. and it sounds a lot better. yayy.
today i didn't do a whole lot. i watched a monk marathon and spent a long time playing on the gutiar. then we went out to dinner at sonic, and we bought ice cream on the way home. i watched cold case and now here i am.
my friend made me an amazing banner.

i completley love it. and robertpattinson<3333.>
ohh, and concrete girl by switchfoot is the most amazing song ever.
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