Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Of The Deepest Emotion

*sigh* so it's basically no secret to anyone that i am completely for john mccain. i despise obama. well it's probably deeper than that, but yeah. i'm very disappointed that it looks like he will become the next president of the us.
i'm also extremely disappointed in the media. they call it the 'liberal media' for a reason. they still have a ton of states left but they are already 'obama's going to win!' and yes, he probably will, but i think they need to shut up and get in all the results.
oh and i completely garantee you that in the next election [if i'm still living in this country and we haven't suceeded from the union, which would be freaking amazing] i will not be voting for barack obama.
with that said i'm resting in the knowledge that at least i'll have till january before things change.
and hey, it's probably not too late to move out of the country...

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