Friday, November 7, 2008

Movement Inside My Soul

see something new? think something looks a little bit different? hmm, i wonder what that could be. yesss, a new look! and frankly i'm loving it! i think i might keep this one for...a long time. hopefully, i will at least.
so today. ehh. i woke up cold to my mom saying 'you should get up, i turned on the heat, it's warmer in the other room.' so i got up. but it wasn't really any warmer. brrr. it wasn't really a cold day, just really windy with an edge to it. like fall. you know, how it would be in a place that's actually normal. and it's kind of blah, because the leaves have already pretty much fallen and there was only one sort of pretty day. bleh. i do suppose i need to take out my camera soon and take a few pictures. if i can find anything picture worthy.
after that i tried to order my new jeans online but it wouldn't take the debit card and blahblahblah. sooo hopefully if we go to the store tomorrow i'll be able to find them. which would actually be awesome because i would be able to try them on and everything. if i can't find them i'll order them tomorrow night with a credit card.
i did get some cool mail today. first i got my check from the state fair. which really wasn't all that cool because it was only for a dollar. lol. it seems like a waste of paper, and i'm fairly tempted not to cash it all. lol. it seems like such a waste of time to go to the bank to get a dollar, but yeah. my other mail was an invitation to the farmers union dinner this monday. because i won grand champion at the fair. so that's pretty cool. i'm probably going. it's the same night as horse club, but it's like the only meeting i've ever missed so i think it'll be okay. lol.
dad brought home subway for dinner which was awesomeeee. and then we had baked apples for desert.

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