Sunday, August 31, 2008
I Turn Everything Over
Today was pretty slow...we didn't do much.
I worked on Bright Eyes a little. Finished Chapter thirteen. And I might write a little more tonight. It's coming along. I'm about to start part two of the book.
I spent most of my day finishing Eclipse and starting Breaking Dawn. I'm wondering if I even READ the end of Eclipse last time? lol, I must have been really distracted, because it felt like I was reading the ending for the first time. And omgg. I loved it so much more this time. I felt so bad for Jacob, I really wish she would have picked him...=[ Anyway. I read the first few chapters of Breaking Dawn. The beginning of it is really good. It's the rest of the book [mostly the last part] is blehh.
And we went out for ice cream tonight. That was fun. x]
Here's today's siggy...
Lyrics are from "Politicians" from their Nothing Is Sound album.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
I've Got A Plan To Lose It All
Anyway. Today. It was extremely hot, like, in the late 90's. Pretty depressing for almost September. So we decided to go for a drive instead of working. We went to TSC for grain, and I got a new shirt that was on sale for $5. It's pretty cute, white with horses on it.
After that we drove around the city a while, seeing where my Dad's new job is gonna be. We did a little shopping, but not much. After that we went to our favorite chinese buffet and came home. It was pretty late when we got home.
It looked like it was going to rain and storm, while we were feeding, the sky was black and there was a ton of lightening and thundering in the distance, but none of it ever got to us. =/ Sad really, I was looking forward too it. Besides that, it felt like the sky was about to expolde, it was so humid. I really wanted that rain to cool things down. Oh well, maybe it will rain later.
I haven't done anything for Bright Eyes today, because I was gone, and I was having writers block. I think I know where to go from here though. =D I should hopefully get a good start on Chapter 12 tonight.
Here's today's siggy....
I LOVE IT. It's great. And it's Learning To Breathe,which is an amazing song. <33
Friday, August 29, 2008
And he starts his engine, but he knows that he's missing gears
I mostly spent the rest of the day reading Midnight Sun. Which is Twilight in Edward's POV. SMeyer posted the first 264 pages on her website today. I guess it had been leaked illegally [okay, so I actually knew that before it happened, I heard some people talking about how they'd read the first 6 chapters online a few days ago]. Anyway I guess SMeyer knows who leaked it, because she only gave a few people her half finished book, and all of them different versions because she was changing it. And now she's put the writing of the book on hold indefinitely. Eh.
And I LOVED it. Ughh. Edward's POV is amazing, MUCH more intersting then Bella's, and I feel like I know Edward a lot better now, and I like him a lot more. Really in Twilight, and in New Moon and Eclipse [Breaking Dawn they hardly mention Edward, it seems like], I don't feel like you ever 'really' know who Edward is, other then that he's completely in love with Bella, ridiculously overprotective, and can have quite the temper. Oh and that he's Utterly attractive. It was definitely nice to know there's more to him. Anyway, Midnight Sun was awesome and I hope she decides to write more, finish the book and get it published.
Having said that...I hardly wrote any of Bright Eyes today, because of course I was reading Midnight Sun all day. However I think that was the best thing for my muse. I needed a break, especially since the writers block was starting to set in, and this seemed to give me more excitement, and inspiration to keep writing, and also to write better then ever. =D
I love it a lot. =D Pictures are from Lonely Nation, but the lyrics are from Faust, Midas And Myself, one of the most awesome SF songs ever, off of Oh! Gravity.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
New Look. =D Moving on. I started my project board today. Or display board, whichever you'd like to call it. It's pretty cool so far. I have pictures of brushes along with how you use them, and what their purpose. I have some more work to do on it, but I'll have it done very easily before next Thursday. Woo! A week till fair! =D
I didn't do much else was hot and gross outside and it was just one of those days. We did watch a movie called Saving Sarah Cain. I liked it a lot! There's a book as well, but I haven't read it. It was a really good movie though.
Today's siggy. =D It's very pretty. The lyrics are from 'The Setting Sun' off of their Nothing Is Sound album. Yay for NIS!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Say what??
Let's start with Bright Eyes. One of my amazing friends made me an amazing cover for my hopefully amazing book. =D
*We don't own any of these pictures. We don't claim to own of these pictures.
Click on the links to make them bigger [so you can read it.]
Isn't it amzing? =D
As for the actual writing, I haven't gotten very far today. I'm mostly planning out things so I can keep going.
Onto other SF shirt is finally packing. Yay! Hopefully it will be shipped out tomorrow. I hope so. I want itttt.
Today we went to the storee...I got all the stuff I will need for fair projects and also some pictures printed for photography. Now I just actually have to DO the work. How fun. I do need to get working on that though, considering it's a week till.
Now to the big news of the day...yesterday I told you all about those horses, well tonight when Dad came home for work and asked if we wanted to go to the fairgrounds and see them. So before dinner we went to the fairgrounds to see them. The sorrel is a major sweetie. He was whickering when he came over to us. He was letting us play with his ears and we lead him best we could [through a fence] just to get a feel for his attiude. He may need some work, but I think he'd be quite willing. He's a big sweetie and was thrilled when I was petting him.
He's obviously a quarter horse, and has fairly nice conformation. With a little cleaning up and possibly some training I think he'd make quite the nice show horse. So.
We are calling tomorrow to see about getting them. It'll depend on the price, but considering if they aren't gone by next Wenesday they have to be hauled to an auction, we have a good shot of getting them cheaply. Hope so. x]
And today's siggy -
I like it. It's nice, it's simple, it's SF!!!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Only The Loosers Win, They've Got Nothing To Prove
So. Today. Well, actually, let's start with last night.
So it's almost one am, and I'm reading Eclispe, figuring I'd finish the chapter and go to bed. Well, I'm probably, three pages of when suddenly I hear my horse whinning outside my window. And then hoofbeats, running. So this is very odd. I never hear him whinny like this. So being a normal horse mom, I can't just stay inside and think "Oh, well, he'll still be okay in the morning." nope. Instead I get up, go into the living room. My parents were already up, having heard it as well. So the three of us walk out onto the porch. He's running around, whinning, Tango answering him. That's all well and dandy, but where is Brandy? [no ryhme intended]. Sooo. We get on boots, grab the flashlight and with all four dogs [because Heaven forbid they should let us go somewhere alone, we'd surely manage to kill ourselves] and walk down the hill in the darkness.
All four horses are there, Brandy having come over when she'd seen the light. So. Well, it was a good adventure, I suppose.
Now today....I spent most of the morning working on Bright Eyes. It's coming along quite well, and I made a blog for it, because, well, I felt like it. I finished Chapter Eight, and am a few sentences away from finishing Chapter Nine. It's coming along quite nicely. I'm happy.
We worked with the horses this afternoon. They did really good. Sheik was a little lazy, but all in all, a very nice workout. I think we will be doing quite well for the fair. =D
Tonight was the fairboard meeting. We almost always go, because we end up having a pretty big partin the fair, and well it's nice to know what's going on and to know 'the officals'. Tonight's meeting was pretty fun though, because my friend was there. We talked about what we need to bring for the fair, ie, a fan, a radio, LOT'S of CD's. XD She's also coming over this weekend to help me finish our painting for the fair. I went over to help her do it last year, so I guess we will be even.
Also at the fairboard, when we were walking around the fairgrounds we found there's two abadoned horses staying there. A pretty sorrel gelding and a POA pony that is quite adorable. I guess someone turned them out because they didn't want to feed them or something, and they are staying there in case someone claimed them. They have to be gone by the fair though, so they are going to be selling them. The one guy said they'd be lucky to get $20 for each of them. Sad what our horse market has come too.
In other news...I guess that's all. lol.
Monday, August 25, 2008
The Plot Of Your Life?
I realized just a few minutes ago [cause I haven't payed attention to the date in...weeks,] that today is me and Sheik's two year annversary! It's been a long two years and we've come a long way from the half wild, barely halter broken yearling that I, a fourteen year old, found myself owning. Well, he was supposed to be my Dad's, but well, that just didn't work out. It's really amazing, to know that just two short years ago he was still this wild baby, and now, he's here, my sweetie. He's three and huge and gorgeous and has been to five shows [soon to be six], can walk and trot in hand, set up, back up, load in a trailer, be clipped, be bathed, will wear a saddle and bridle. =] Hopefully by next year I'll be looking back about how far he's coming again, and I'll be riding hime. =D
Love you baby. <33
Let's see...I made cookies today. My two time champion Peanut Butter finger cookies. They turned out really well, even despite the lack of chocolate chips. Yummm.
I've gotten part of Chapter 8 done on Bright Eyes. But it's going to be a long chapter I think, so I may or may not finish it tonight. Hopefully I will. I got one of my friends to make me a cover. =D I haven't seen it yet, but I know it will be awesome.
So speaking of writing, I was thinking tonight, as I was waiting for the horses to come in from the pasture, and talking to my mom, watching our silly puppies playing, about how I'd write it, if I was writing our conversation. What would I add? What I would I take away? I finally conculded that it would be a very boring random book 99% of the time. And then I wondered, why? Well, the random part explains it's self, but the rest of it. What would make it so boring? And I finally realized it would be the lack of a plot. Books are based around plots, around a certain event, or a relationship or something. With a plot a book is simply random rambling conversations and nothingness. Which frankly, no one would want to read. A plot is what draw's people in and keeps their intersts until the very last page. So this lead to another thought. What is the plot of my life? It's an intersting question really, quite the deep one, it involved a lot of thinking. I finally decided the plot of my life is growing up, becoming the person I am supposed to be, getting a career, getting married, having children, etc. It's all part of the plot. Unlike a book it's a short part of a person's life, a few months, maybe a few years. Nope, it's my entire life. One big book about me, about my life, and the plot is simply growing up, I guess. So maybe it's not something someone else would want to read, but hey, it's my life. XD
And today's siggy is....
Lyrics from The Beautiful Letdown again. =] I love that song.
Well, I think that's all for today.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
So today..ehhh. It rained again! About four in the afternoon, stormed, thundered, poured, all that jazz. My dog, Reese was freaking out. Poor thing. He's a lab/german shepard mix, very big and scary looking, but if there's a thunderstorm he's laying under my feet, shaking and whinning. Poor baby, though I'll admit I do find it somewhat hilarous.
Other then was pretty boring. I spent like, three hours reading most of New Moon this afternoon. I totally LOVE that book. Defintely best in the series and it was so much better this time, the second time, I read it. I don't know, I just liked it more. I'm more excited to read Eclispe as well. I don't know if I really want to read Breaking Dawn over again though.
I didn't work with Poneh, cause it was raining and wet and before that it was SO hot. But we've been doing so good the last few days I don't mind him having a day off, and as long as there's no rain, we'll pick it up tomorow. <3
Last night I rewrote Chapter Five of Bright Eyes and I'm so much happier with it. I'm glad I took the time to rewrite it, it was worth it. I also wrote Chapter six, and I'm pretty happy with it. It could probably be better, but I'm defintely sasfied with it. On to Chapter Seven ! - only I don't know what to do. lol. I've got a general idea but I have to figure out how to make it long enough to be an actual chapter. I feel like I'm just writing filler, to get to the actual 'plot' and that annoys me slightly. Everyone seems to really love it though, and that's what's keeping me going through the more 'boring' parts of it.
Oh. And Switchfoot fans, I am sending out a general warning, do. not. go on Yahoo! Answers and search Switchfoot. Especially if the ones that are "Jonas brothers or Switchfoot?" I think a bit of me died reading those. Seriously, how the heck can anyway say that Switchfoot is untalented and overrated, but yet the Jonas brothers are not? I mean, I greatly dislike the Jonas Brothers, but honestly, I find them very untalented. And I do find the sell - outs and completely overated. Those are the LAST two words I think anyone could ever use about Switchfoot however. They are about not selling-out, part of what I think a lot of us SF fans find appealing about them.
Okay, mini rant over. x]
I suppose that's all for today.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Crickets. *Chirps*
So. Today. Yes. I woke up to mom telling me the farrier was coming in an hour and I'd better get up and get dressed. So I did. I had to turn Brandy and Sheik out, and bring them up and feed them. After that I tied Brandy and held Sheik and brushed him while he grazed. Finally the farrier came and he did Sheik's feet. Usually Sheik is pretty terrible about it, but he was so good today, I was happy and very proud of my boy. =D Brandy was very good as well.
It was so hot today, and extremely humid. I was very glad when the farrier was over and I could go inside and get out of that heat. We ended up going to TSC to get feed, and then to the mall to do some shopping. I got a few new shirts. It's pretty cool actually, since I've been complaining about my wardrobe [or rather, my lack there of. =p] to have gotten so much new clothes recently. I think all I really need now it's probably one more pair of jeans and a jacket/sweatshirt before it gets to cold. And my SF shirt, of course, when it finally comes.
We had pizza and bread stick and ice cream tonight. Very yummyyy.
And I worked with Sheikers tonight. Aside from having trouble catching him, he was perfect. We did about...five showmanship patterns and he did it so perfectly, I am so happy. As long as he's good I think we should do quite well at the fair. It's really pretty awesome, that was our first show, and just how far he's come in the last few months is amazing, not even including how far he's come in the last year. I'm so proud of him, and myself, since I've done all of his training.
I worked on Bright Eyes a little this morning, but I didn't have much time. I've finished Chapter five, but it's pretty short and eh, it's not my favorite. I need to start Chapter six but I'm honestly not sure what to do...hmm. It'll probably end up being another 'filler' chapter. Hopefully once I get past that it'll be easier.
I suppose that's all for today. x]
Friday, August 22, 2008
Summer you officially ready allowed to leave the building.
It's nice. I like it. Though I have to admit, you'd think they'd have cooler shoes. O.o
So. It rained this morning, but it didn't last much after the morning, so that was nice. It was so humid today though. But that didn't stop me from working with Sheik this morning. He was extremely well behaved, I was thrilled. =D We did two showmanship patterns and he was just perfect. He set up, walked, trotted, and stopped and set up. YAY. We will actually be able to show at the fair. =D
I also took a few pictures of him, but he wasn't being very cooperative so they didn't turn out to be anything special.
Other then that...I found out I was chosen for our county's new 'Health Rocks' program, which is basically us older 4H'ers [and teen leaders] going to school's and talking to younger kids about not drinking or smoking or doing drugs. We have training on September eighth. I get to be a team with my good friend through, so it might not be too bad. And we get pizza, as well.
So that got me thinking...there's pretty much nothing going on the rest of August, I'm ready for it to be over, for summer, to be over I think. I'm ready for the teen leader stuff, the health rocks stuff, the fair [!], my brother coming home, starting school, my birthday, my next two horse shows, sorghum days, my older sister coming to visit, then Thanksgiving and Christmas, etc. I definitely have a lot to look forward too.
In other news...I think I've decided to change the name of my book from Fallen Angel to Bright Eyes. Someone suggested it to me, and I think it fits the story a lot better, in fact, I think it's perfect for it. I also finished Chapter four and have started chapter five. I'm still getting some great reviews on the first four chapters, from my friends, as well.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
I've been on a plane with an olympic silver medalist !
Words from We Are One Tonight off of the Nothing Is Sound album. It's different, but I like it. x]
Now to explain the title, yes, I was. Flying to Wyoming, or rather, Denver, I was on the same plane as Jonathan Horton, an olympic gymnist who won a silver medal at the Bejing olympics. He was on his way to Bejing on that flight. Anyway I saw him on the news tonight, he was coming home to Oklahoma, and was like =O I was on the same plane as him. Thought it was cool. x]
In other SF shirt has not shipped yet. *Grumbles* I hope it does soon. I want it.
We had 4H...we were doing painting for the fair, and even though my orignal idea was to 'supervise' that didn't work all that well, since I ended up doing most of the painting. Everyone was like "Your so artistic." Which I suppose meant I should just do it all? Oh well.
Not a whole lot done on Fallen Angel today, but I'll probably do some more once I log off of blogger here. I'm still really motivated about the story, I defintely think it was my best idea and has so far been my best writing.
So that was my day, pretty much.
Oh. And I bought the song Lost by Michael Buble, and if you haven't heard it you need to youtube it, it's pretty amazing. I've listened to it like eight times today. His voice is amazing and lyrics are breathtaking.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Mhmm, feeling creative
Okay so I'm pretty much in love with it. XD I love TIM, of course, who looks SO adorable, and who I can completely see saying this. I also love Jon's expression. XD So yes, most awesome banner ever, right there people.
I was going to work on my teen leader application today when I went out to get the mail and SURPRISE, there was one from the extension office, addressed to me. I figured it would be the 4H newsletter or something boring like that, so I was very surprised to see that it said "Dear Katie [last name,
You have been selected to be one of our teen leaders."
So like, how awesome is that? XD No application, no bragging on myself, I'm already on the team! And our first team leader meeting is September Second, so we can help set up for the fair. XD Oh well, we get food. lol.
I also started a new book, and I've already got three chapters done of it. I'm really loving it. I think it's my best writing so far. I think I've also decided on 'Fallen Angel' as the name, thanks to one of my friend's help. =]
Oh yess, and it didn't rain!!!!! =D It was dark and cloudly, but no rain! So I got to work with Poneh tonight, and am VERY happy to report that he was good! He listened to me and didn't test me once. That made extremely happy so the poneh got lot's of kisses and praise, and hopefully he'll be as good tomorrow. x]
I guess that's all from today.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
It's still raining. =O
We also added a LOT of new banners and avatars to our PB today! Go us!!
Speaking of Switchfoot, I ordered a new shirt today! =D Pretty awesome. I can't WAIT for it to come. Yes, it is my third SF shirt...but well, it's SWITCHFOOT. XD
Other then that...yes, it's still raining today. How depressing. Same kind of rain as yesterday, wet, steady, cold, yucky dark rain. -sigh- And it's supposed to keep raining. How fun. We did go to the get some stuff for 4H later this week.
Which reminds me. Teen leaders application. -dies-
I mean, I already 'know' I have a postion, but write a page about "What my personal qualites would add to the team' or whatever. Ughhh. I hate that sort of thing. I can't brag on myself to save my life, and when I do, I feel bad, cause I don't like to brag. I honestly don't think I have that many great personal qualities to add to it to begin with...or at least, not any to put into words. -sighs- So this should be just a ton of fun.
I also need to start working on my display board for the fair. I decided to do something fairly simple and go with brushes and grooming. I'll find pics of each brush, print it out, paste it to the board and say what it is and what you do with it. It should be good and informative. =D And pretty easy to put together, while still looking great.
And speaking of the fair...of course, since it was raining, no working with Poneh. Everyday it's getting closer and everyday I'm loosing a day I could and should be working with him. I hope that he straightens up and behaves SOON, so I can get down to some serious show pratice. Or the fair's horse show could end up being the rodeo, two days early. x]
Monday, August 18, 2008
Rainyy Mondayy
No, I love rain...or at least, sometimes. I love rain on hot summer days, when it's still sunny out and it starts to lightly sprinkly, cooling everything down and making everything smell fresh and amazing. The scent of rain is amazing. I also love the kind of rain that happens when your leaving a store, or some place like that, and your making a mad dash for your car, usually holding something over your head like, a jacket, or a newspaper, or a box of some sort. My favorite rain is probably those when I'm on vaction, stuck in the car for 10 hours plus, when it cools the car down and I can curl up in the backseat, staring out the foggy window, listening to the rain, listening to music and relaxing.
Yes I love rain.
But there's also the not so fun rains. Like the kind that has heavy thunderstorms that has lighting that likes to attack your trees. XD or the really heavy kind that soaks you in a matter of seconds and is the master of flash floods. Or when it rains for days on end and you want nothing more then to see sunshine again.
Today was none of was just...rain. A steady, falling rain, neither exciting nor depressing...just rain. Which, I guess, in it's self is pretty depressing. XD
But this brings up the question, what do you do on a steady falling rain day?
Well. There's not a lot of could curl up and watch a movie...if you happen to have any that look intersting.
Or you could read a book.
Or you could go online and look for a ton of Switchfoot siggy's! Which is, basically, what I ended up doing, between im'ing my friend, who is also a switchfoot nerd. XD So I ended up finding more to add to my already stash of SF siggies/avatars and pictures. Which has lead me and said friend to create a Photobucket album, just for our pictures. XD We call it the UltimateSwitchfootSiggyPlace. =D Which, has about four hundred images, between us. Obviously we can only take credit for about ten siggies each, that we made, or for really, any of the pictures used, but hey, isn't it cool for all these images to be in one place?
So this lead to a challenge for me. To use, on the two of us message board/fourm, a different Switchfoot siggy every day for a year. Sounds like fun for me, a compusive siggy changer anyway. XD
Todays said siggy
Lyrics from The Setting Sun off of Nothing Is Sound, which is imo, the best SF album.
Other then that...I made cookies! XD *shares* the weather wasn't ideal for making cookies though, and they turned so.
Oh, and of course, because of the rain, there was no working with the poneh tonight. -sigh- Hopefully the rain will not last and I'll be able to resume working, because, frankly, we are running out of time here.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Ohhh Ponehh.
And apparently, I can't leave him for more then a few days. >.<
He's been SO bad about everything. I was about to start working with him again yesterday, but after random Imagogallopfortwentyminute....things, I decided it wasn't a good night to start.
Tonight wasn't really a good night either.
So I'm in a realivitely good mood, I take out his new halter, his nylon one since I perfer it, catch him easily, bring him up so I coud get my brushes. He starts out being a doll. I'm brushing him, and he's standing, being just perfect.
Ohhh, but that can't last, can it?
No. He start bouncing around and wouldn't stand still for anything. Now, I realize he's still young, so I don't expect him to stand like an older horse would, but still, he's trained well enough I expect a certain level of...maturity? Not really the right word, but I suppose you get my drift. And he was not even close to acting like that. I mean it was 9 days! I've gone almost whole winters without really working with him and he's acted better then this. Then he started the whole "Ima gonna bite your or paw you". Just lovelyy.
So I walk him around least an half an hour, in which he tested me about 15 times. In the end I won, and he'll probably do the same thing tomorrow. Eventually it will get through to him and he'll be his normal angelic self. The problem is that we only have about three weeks until the fair. I hope he's acting better by then.
It's not my first one, but I felt like doing something different, starting over, turning a new leaf, moving on, etc. So here I am. A brand new blog to design and write on. I love the designing, I love changing the colors and pictures and making something was plain look awesome. And knowing that I'm the person who did it. Yeahh, I'm just cool like that.
Sooo. I suppose I'll introduce myself to probably non exisent readers [if you are reading, ILY!]
My name is Katie.
I randomly add extra letters to things
I have a switchfoot OBESSION.
Horses are amazing.
Skinny jeans and converse are the best clothes ever.
I'm random.
I believe in love and my prince charming.
Especially prince charmings wear cowboy boots. =D
The color blue rocks. The color pink, not so much.
I love Step It Up 2 and old time movies like Pride and Prejudice
Twilight is my favorite series.
I love to take pictures.
I'm who I am and that's about it.