Oh the joys of rain.
No, I love rain...or at least, sometimes. I love rain on hot summer days, when it's still sunny out and it starts to lightly sprinkly, cooling everything down and making everything smell fresh and amazing. The scent of rain is amazing. I also love the kind of rain that happens when your leaving a store, or some place like that, and your making a mad dash for your car, usually holding something over your head like, a jacket, or a newspaper, or a box of some sort. My favorite rain is probably those when I'm on vaction, stuck in the car for 10 hours plus, when it cools the car down and I can curl up in the backseat, staring out the foggy window, listening to the rain, listening to music and relaxing.
Yes I love rain.
But there's also the not so fun rains. Like the kind that has heavy thunderstorms that has lighting that likes to attack your trees. XD or the really heavy kind that soaks you in a matter of seconds and is the master of flash floods. Or when it rains for days on end and you want nothing more then to see sunshine again.
Today was none of these..it was just...rain. A steady, falling rain, neither exciting nor depressing...just rain. Which, I guess, in it's self is pretty depressing. XD
But this brings up the question, what do you
do on a steady falling rain day?
Well. There's not a lot of options...you could curl up and watch a movie...if you happen to have any that look intersting.
Or you could read a book.
Or you could go online and look for a ton of Switchfoot siggy's! Which is, basically, what I ended up doing, between im'ing my friend, who is also a switchfoot nerd. XD So I ended up finding more to add to my already stash of SF siggies/avatars and pictures. Which has lead me and said friend to create a Photobucket album, just for our pictures. XD We call it the
UltimateSwitchfootSiggyPlace. =D Which, has about four hundred images, between us. Obviously we can only take credit for about ten siggies each, that we made, or for really, any of the pictures used, but hey, isn't it cool for all these images to be in one place?
So this lead to a challenge for me. To use, on the two of us message board/fourm, a different Switchfoot siggy every day for a year. Sounds like fun for me, a compusive siggy changer anyway. XD
Todays said siggy
Lyrics from The Setting Sun off of Nothing Is Sound, which is imo, the best SF album.
Other then that...I made cookies! XD *shares* the weather wasn't ideal for making cookies though, and they turned out...so so.
Oh, and of course, because of the rain, there was no working with the poneh tonight. -sigh- Hopefully the rain will not last and I'll be able to resume working, because, frankly, we are running out of time here.