So. Today. Well, actually, let's start with last night.
So it's almost one am, and I'm reading Eclispe, figuring I'd finish the chapter and go to bed. Well, I'm probably, three pages of when suddenly I hear my horse whinning outside my window. And then hoofbeats, running. So this is very odd. I never hear him whinny like this. So being a normal horse mom, I can't just stay inside and think "Oh, well, he'll still be okay in the morning." nope. Instead I get up, go into the living room. My parents were already up, having heard it as well. So the three of us walk out onto the porch. He's running around, whinning, Tango answering him. That's all well and dandy, but where is Brandy? [no ryhme intended]. Sooo. We get on boots, grab the flashlight and with all four dogs [because Heaven forbid they should let us go somewhere alone, we'd surely manage to kill ourselves] and walk down the hill in the darkness.
All four horses are there, Brandy having come over when she'd seen the light. So. Well, it was a good adventure, I suppose.
Now today....I spent most of the morning working on Bright Eyes. It's coming along quite well, and I made a blog for it, because, well, I felt like it. I finished Chapter Eight, and am a few sentences away from finishing Chapter Nine. It's coming along quite nicely. I'm happy.
We worked with the horses this afternoon. They did really good. Sheik was a little lazy, but all in all, a very nice workout. I think we will be doing quite well for the fair. =D
Tonight was the fairboard meeting. We almost always go, because we end up having a pretty big partin the fair, and well it's nice to know what's going on and to know 'the officals'. Tonight's meeting was pretty fun though, because my friend was there. We talked about what we need to bring for the fair, ie, a fan, a radio, LOT'S of CD's. XD She's also coming over this weekend to help me finish our painting for the fair. I went over to help her do it last year, so I guess we will be even.
Also at the fairboard, when we were walking around the fairgrounds we found there's two abadoned horses staying there. A pretty sorrel gelding and a POA pony that is quite adorable. I guess someone turned them out because they didn't want to feed them or something, and they are staying there in case someone claimed them. They have to be gone by the fair though, so they are going to be selling them. The one guy said they'd be lucky to get $20 for each of them. Sad what our horse market has come too.
In other news...I guess that's all. lol.
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