Friday, August 22, 2008

Summer you officially ready allowed to leave the building.

To begin today's session, here's today's siggy -

It's nice. I like it. Though I have to admit, you'd think they'd have cooler shoes. O.o

So. It rained this morning, but it didn't last much after the morning, so that was nice. It was so humid today though. But that didn't stop me from working with Sheik this morning. He was extremely well behaved, I was thrilled. =D We did two showmanship patterns and he was just perfect. He set up, walked, trotted, and stopped and set up. YAY. We will actually be able to show at the fair. =D

I also took a few pictures of him, but he wasn't being very cooperative so they didn't turn out to be anything special.

Other then that...I found out I was chosen for our county's new 'Health Rocks' program, which is basically us older 4H'ers [and teen leaders] going to school's and talking to younger kids about not drinking or smoking or doing drugs. We have training on September eighth. I get to be a team with my good friend through, so it might not be too bad. And we get pizza, as well.

So that got me thinking...there's pretty much nothing going on the rest of August, I'm ready for it to be over, for summer, to be over I think. I'm ready for the teen leader stuff, the health rocks stuff, the fair [!], my brother coming home, starting school, my birthday, my next two horse shows, sorghum days, my older sister coming to visit, then Thanksgiving and Christmas, etc. I definitely have a lot to look forward too.

In other news...I think I've decided to change the name of my book from Fallen Angel to Bright Eyes. Someone suggested it to me, and I think it fits the story a lot better, in fact, I think it's perfect for it. I also finished Chapter four and have started chapter five. I'm still getting some great reviews on the first four chapters, from my friends, as well.


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