We also added a LOT of new banners and avatars to our PB today! Go us!!
Speaking of Switchfoot, I ordered a new shirt today! =D Pretty awesome. I can't WAIT for it to come. Yes, it is my third SF shirt...but well, it's SWITCHFOOT. XD
Other then that...yes, it's still raining today. How depressing. Same kind of rain as yesterday, wet, steady, cold, yucky dark rain. -sigh- And it's supposed to keep raining. How fun. We did go to the store...to get some stuff for 4H later this week.
Which reminds me. Teen leaders application. -dies-
I mean, I already 'know' I have a postion, but I.do.not.want.to. write a page about "What my personal qualites would add to the team' or whatever. Ughhh. I hate that sort of thing. I can't brag on myself to save my life, and when I do, I feel bad, cause I don't like to brag. I honestly don't think I have that many great personal qualities to add to it to begin with...or at least, not any to put into words. -sighs- So this should be just a ton of fun.
I also need to start working on my display board for the fair. I decided to do something fairly simple and go with brushes and grooming. I'll find pics of each brush, print it out, paste it to the board and say what it is and what you do with it. It should be good and informative. =D And pretty easy to put together, while still looking great.
And speaking of the fair...of course, since it was raining, no working with Poneh. Everyday it's getting closer and everyday I'm loosing a day I could and should be working with him. I hope that he straightens up and behaves SOON, so I can get down to some serious show pratice. Or the fair's horse show could end up being the rodeo, two days early. x]
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