Friday, October 10, 2008

Baby Just Say Yes. <3

so. well. i didn't do much today, i'm still sick. but feeling much better. so that's nice. i did play with the puppies today. mom and i brought them outside onto the lawn and we just sat out there with them. they are almost four weeks and about the most adorable things you've ever seen. they crawled all over our laps and their mama, susie. we had a blast playing with them and finally we put them back and they all were exhuasted. awws. three of them have names so far. drew, my little brown cutie. he's the leader of the 'pack'. it's adorable. really. then my adorableeee little precious. i might not stick with that name, but for right now it fits. and then tank. he's a hugeee little white puppy. hugee. and so cute. i'll try to get pics of them soon. very soon.
tomorrow we are going to the base. hopefully i'll feel better. i plan on taking some strong cold medicine before hand and bringing tissues. XD i'm gonna do some dress shopping while i'm there. how did this happen? i'll have two wear that dress twice before the end of the year!! once to the 4h end of the year/achivement banquet, since they decided to go all 'dressy' on me. and i have to look good since i'm the outgoing sr. hall of fame and quite possibly about to be the ingoing, as well. and us teen leaders have to present the awards, so yes, lot's of me. and lot's of pictures. going in the paper. i have to look cute. yes. then my dear brother has a thing for his national guard unit, they have a very nice christmas dinner apparently, so i'll get to wear it there as well. so basically that means a very cute dress that i actually like. oh joy. -dies- and omg shoes, let's not even go there. i'm hoping that my black flats or something will work with whatever i get. they probably won't though. bleh. on the upside we'll probably go out to chinese [love!].
sunday we are going out to my bday dinner. ihop, i chose. why? fruit crepe fever! ohhh yesss. yum. we went last year and wanted some, but they were all out! so hopefully we will finally get to have some. and tuesday is my actual bday. yep, seventeen. that's exciting, though, somewhat depressing as well. scary as heck to think this time next year i'll be sitting here preparing for my eighteenth birthday. omg.
speaking of omg [first of all everyone needs to log onto youtube and post a comment, using their 'audio preview' it's hilarous! especially if you type in omg.
and the sourse of my omg.
omg. the final trailer was released yesterday. while you are on youtube type in 'final twilight trailer'.
pure love.
it's amazing.

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