Monday, October 13, 2008


i'm a wreck. at least when it comes to medical health this week. blehhh. i'm almost all better cold/cough/stuffy nose wise, but now my ear hurts! ear infection. lucky me. i'm hoping i can treat it at home and not have to go to the doctor. bleh.
today was okay. i didn't feel all that terrfic this morning, but it improved as the day went on. we went to crest foods to get something for dinner, and their computers were down so we were there forever. then we went to the othodontist. we watched bee movie today. lol. when i checked in, the computer said 'birthday countdown; one day!' lol. that was different, but cool. i didn't get any new wires, just new colors and a check up. i got green and purple. and i only have to wear my rubber bands at night. yayy. even though i was pretty much doing that anyway. lolz. that's a secret so, shhhh! and when i was leaving they gave me a birthday card that everyone had signed. aww. afterwards we went to mcdonalds for a chocolate shake and came home. i had just enough time to grab my stuff before heading to teen leaders. which only one other person showed up for. we still got a lot done though, i think.
and tonight was heroes. =]] it's gotten insane. ando? no. =[ i hope he's not really dead, but it does look that way. how could hiro do such a terrible thing? interesting about the last few minutes though! it'll be interesting to see how this plays out...but hopefully it won't get to weird. it's starting to pull a 'lost'. i love lost, but it's confusing enough keeping up with that, i don't need to do it with heroes too.
so. this is my last day as a sixteen year old. forever. pretty scaryy, really. so i figured i'd take a few minutes to talk about it. first of all, i know i've done a lot of maturing this year, mentally and physically. i was looking at pictures from just last year, and i look so different, so much older. i don't look like that little kid anymore. it's partly the hair, but still. XD but just remembering last year, i feel like i've matured a lot since then. sixteen was a good year. i had fun. i didn't do anything all that special, but it was a good year. i think i've passed the worse of the growing older/teenager thing, and am hopefully moving on to bigger and better things/times. we'll just have to see, i guess. =]]
so. my last post as a sixteen year old. =]

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