Tuesday, October 28, 2008

It Froze.

ew. last night we had the first frost of the year. usually that doesn't happen till november, but i guess it is pretty close to november. but still. ehh. it warmed up though, it was probably in the fifties today. which isn't too bad. i guess we probably won't have any more of those ninty degree days anymore. and i guess i won't really miss them. this year wasn't that bad at all though, it never really got that hot. at least no 118 days.
so. aside from the normal stuff [feeding, school, etc] i didn't do a whole lot today. cleaned out the house a little, helped with dinner. and i made fudge. ohh yess, fudgeee. i got one of those awesome kit things that comes with everything and is super easy to make. it's funn too. i like baking, or at least, eating what i bake. XD and then dad surprised us and brought home ice cream, so i had lot's of chocolate today. yum.
so tomorrow i'm gonna feed sheik in the horse trailer, i guess. not really looking forward to this, but ehh. i have to do it if i want to take him to neosha show in two weeks. however, it he can't be that bad after dealing with brandy.

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